Our Vision
In an ideal world every school community, classroom, administrator, teacher and student should be equipped with supplies and facilities, ranging from pencils and smart boards to technology and science laboratories. PFSA envisions a world in which our resources continually build and replenish an endowment affording accessible tools to every struggling/”failing” school community in poor, disenfranchised, marginalized neighborhoods in New York City.
Partnership For Student Advocacy is committed to a relentless pursuit of proactive equality and academic fairness for every student. We bridge both the education gap and the experience gap through aggressive fundraising and donations of talent, time and resources earmarked for quality programs in phasing-out schools throughout New York City. These programs enable the delivery of such essential and diverse needs as: academic courses necessary for promotion/graduation, wrap-around services, teachers, specialists, technology and supplies.
Founder & Board of Directors

Mary Conway-Spiegel,
A life-long New Yorker, PFSA founder Mary Conway-Spiegel is the mother of three children, two of whom currently attend city public schools. Her eldest child, a college graduate, also received his education in the public school system. An active member of the Parent Teacher Association, Ms. Conway-Spiegel was privileged to work with a team of parents who successfully negotiated with the New York City Department of Education.
While witnessing an emotionally charged public hearing, one parent confessed a deep desire but inability due to outside pressures to become more involved in the ongoing proceedings that demanded two-way communication between parents and administrators on behalf of school children. Ms Conway-Spiegel responded, “That’s why I’m here. I will work for you.” That pivotal moment became the inspiration for PFSA.

Carla Fine is author of the widely acclaimed book, No Time to Say Goodbye: Surviving the Suicide of a Loved One , published in 1999 by Broadway Books/Doubleday. She lectures extensively to suicide survivors’ groups and professional organizations throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, and India.

Jacqueline Moline, MD, MSc , Vice President – Population Health, North Shore-LIJ Health System, and Chair of Population Health, Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine, is an occupational and environmental medicine specialist. She received her medical degree from the University of Chicago-Pritzker School of Medicine and a Master of Science degree in community medicine from the Mount Sinai School of Medicine. Dr. Moline serves on the editorial boards of several medical journals that cover industrial, occupational and environmental medicine.

Joan Mosely is an Education Administrator with the New York City Department of Education, where her major focus is principal and teacher quality. She has served New York City students for 14 years in a variety of roles, including teacher and principal. She is a founding member of the Common Core Math Pathways Team for the City University of New York’s New Community College, which focuses its efforts on providing support to under-prepared students entering college.

Justin Watson , President of the Save Legacy Coalition and the Director of Social Media at Student Activists United, served a key role in organizing when his school, The Legacy School for Integrated Studies, was slated for closure. He plans to create documentaries exposing overlooked issues in education.

Kellie Castruita Specter is a Senior Director of Communications for WNET New York Public Media, parent company of THIRTEEN, WLIW21 and operator of NJTV. She oversees all aspects of WNET’s communications and marketing activities including national and local publicity, marketing, brand management, and crisis communications.